Jeremiah "Mean-Machine" Martin
October 31, 1974 - November 26, 2015


Brit Iron Rebels # 409

Many believe that the measure of a Man’s life, remains alive in the hearts and the memories of the people who attend his funeral.

Such was certainly true of Jeremiah’s family, a Texas-prairie family, a family accustomed to the ever-present winds, and the ups and downs of the crops and oilfields of the Texas Caprock.  A tough family, now stricken by the loss of Jeremiah.

And such was certainly true of the hundreds of friends Jeremiah leaves behind..


It was not possible to meet Jeremiah without befriending Jeremiah.  He was a thoughtful companion.  He seemed to naturally know when to speak, when a word was sought, when to listen, when an ear was needed, and usually, when to joke or gently-prod to keep a warm feeling flowing when with friends.


Jeremiah always seemed to naturally know how to lead without bossing.  People followed him because that was the natural path.

Jeremiah used much of his free time raising money in support of charities, especially for stray animals and battered children.


Few knew that Jeremiah’s life had rarely been easy.  He long bore health issues that would have shriveled or embittered a lesser man.  Yet he used his life and free time to improve the lives of his family, his friends, and the smallest and most-helpless amongst us.

Farewell Jeremiah

Jeremiah’s passing leaves a large hole in the Universe, and in the human condition.

Godspeed, Jeremiah . . .

A good friend...